1. Fixed the bug where the player would, after entering a passageway, briefly appear in the same screen position as the warp entrance while the screen is loading.
2. Fixed the bug where the player would, when holding an item over his head in an item room (not an item cave) float above the floor by 2 pixels.
3. Fixed the bug where some of the player’s extra tiles (holding, swimming, diving, etc.) might show incorrectly if he had any equipment on that had a the player tile modifier variable set.
4. Fixed the bug where the screen wouldn’t close properly after getting the triforce.
5. Fixed the bug were Like-Likes could grab the player out of the water if he was swimming 1/2 a tile below them. Doing so would also paralyze the player.
6. Fixed the bug in ZQuest where, if the mouse was in the same place as some text in a newly opened dialog, moving the mouse would erase some of the text.
7. Fixed the bug where Ctrl-Alt-End would force ZQuest (and ZC) to quit abruptly.
8. Fixed the bug in ZQuest where exporting a file would cause a status message box to appear with “Error” as the title, but a successful result inside the box.
9. Fixed the bug with the player’s colors getting stuck if he was flashing (through injury or from getting a clock) if he went from one screen to another.
10. Fixed the bug with garbage files littering the root of the drive that ZC is on.
11. Fixed the bug where the file select dialog box in the grabber function would not be centered in ZQuest if ZQuest was running in a scaled mode.
12. Fixed the bug in ZQuest where the arrow would be invisible in the palette grabbing function. This bug (once it happened) would cause one of the buttons in the tile editor to be blank.
13. Fixed the bug with the player walking over cave up combos when entering them and being completely covered up when exiting them.
14. Fixed the bug in ZQuest where two of the tabs in the door combo set editor were labelled wrong.
15. Fixed a typo in the enemy list.
16. Fixed the bug with gleeok necks being stuck on the left side of the screen.
17. Fixed the bug where peahats were only changing direction if they hit the side of the screen or landed.
18. Fixed the bug where changing the map count in ZQuest would delete the last map.
19. Fixed the bug in the tile editor where the bottom and right sides of the Edit, Ok and Cancel buttons weren’t responsive to the mouse.
20. Double-clicking a tile in the tile selection list will now either select it (if it’s called from something like a sprite editor) or edit it (if it’s called from the Graphics->Tiles menu).
21. Double-clicking a combo in the combo selection list will now either select it (if it’s called from something like the door combo editor) or edit it (if it’s called from the Graphics->Combos menu).
22. The mouse scroll wheel now works in the tile selector (by scrolling through pages).
23. The mouse scroll wheel now works in the combo selector (by scrolling through pages).
24. Fixed the bug where peahats would only change direction when they hit a screen border.
25. Fixed the bug where the Right-Facing Aquamentus was vulnerable to attack on the tail instead of the head.
26. Fixed the bug where either Aquamentus would, if the new enemy tiles quest rule was enabled, display 4 death sprites instead of 1 when dying.
27. Fixed the bug where Aquamentus fireballs weren’t starting from an Aquamentus’s mouth.
28. Fixed the bug where the Right-Facing Aquamentus was positioned 1 tile too far to the right.
29. Fixed an inconsistency regarding how the screen opens when you start a quest or exit a dungeon (ZC’s opening was too smooth, it’s supposed to open 1 tile at a time).
30. Fixed an inconsistency regarding the player and the subscreen when the screen opens at quest start or when exiting a dungeon (things aren’t supposed to show up all at once in the subscreen and the player isn’t supposed to be visible until the screen finishes opening).
31. Fixed the bug with Dodongos (and BS Dodongos) sometimes vanishing if they are placed near right or bottom dungeon walls.
32. Fixed the bug where segmented enemy segments were counted as enemies for the purpose of determining if armos statues would turn into armos enemies or if graves would release ghini 2’s when touched.
33. Added a quest rule “BSZ Graves”. With this enabled, releasing a Ghini 2 from a grave by touching it will cause the grave combo to advance by 1. This allows you to have a grave only release one Ghini 2 (if the next combo is not a grave combo) or you can set up a string of grave combos to determine how many Ghini 2’s you want to occupy the grave. This is similar to how pound combos work.
34. Fixed the bug an Armos would switch the combo under its starting position to the screen’s undercombo even if the Armos was not created from an Armos statue combo.
35. The mouse scroll wheel now changes flags when you are in flag placing mode.
36. The Page Up/Page Down keys (change panel) and Less Than/Greater Than keys (change map) now work in flag placing mode.
37. Combos now continue to animate in panel 2 (item, tile warp, warp return, start point, and flag) icon placing mode, along with the static in the minimap.
38. The mouse combo scroll trigger positions have been fixed for large mode.
39. The icon trigger positions for panel 2 (item, tile warp, warp return, start point, and flag) have been fixed for large mode.
40. The mouse wheel now changes the current map when used over the minimap.
41. The mouse wheel now changes panels when used on the panel area.