SwitchShot / SwitchHook (Oracle of Ages)
SubmittedDecember 14, 2016
One of the items intended for the Gamneboy/LA header, the SwitchHook, or SwitchShot acts similar tot he ordinary hookshot, save that instead of dragging Link to a target, it swaps Link and the target. it is designed to work on combos, and enemies, all configurable with a host of settings, including operable layers, npc definitions, and the like.
You can easily configure with what enemies Link may swap, using ordinary enemy editor selections.
Once configured, you need only create a hookshot item, and apply the SwitchHook item script to it, for it to function.
Requires: std,zh, ffcscript.zh,
Configuration Settings
Ordinarily, you may use the default settings included with the file, however, sould you wish to modify anything, you may do so by changing the values applied to the constants defined as setting values. Boolean settings are off if set to '0', and on if set to '1' or any non-zero value.
The default ID of a Screen_>Message to display when the user picks up the switchshot item. If set to '0', no message will appear.
Enable the layers on which you wish to allow the switchhook to swap Link with combos, by setting any combination of these to '1'.
Leave this set to '1', to use enemy editor defence properties to control what npcs are affected.
If you use ghost.zh, this should be set to '1'.
This must match the value of __GHI_GHZH_DATA ; this is usually 15.
Set to '1' to allow swapping with an ffc in general (not ghosted enemies)
Set this to the ID of the combo flag that you wish to use to indicate a valid switchhook target.
Set this to the sound effect that you wish to use when Link is swapped with any target (combo, ffc, npc, ghosted enemy).
Default undercombo ComboD, ComboS, and ComboC (combo ID, combo solidity, combo CSet) used for layers 0, 1, and 2. Set as desired.
The NPD Defence type default used if no special type is defined int he item editor arguments.
Be sure that you import std.zh, and ffcscript.zh, and include this script in your buffer, or otherwise import it.
Assign the ffc script 'SwitchHook' to an ffc script slot.
Assign both item scripts, 'SwitchHookItem' and 'PickupSwitchShot' to item script slots.
Item Configuration
Create a new item, and name it SwitchHook, SwitchShot, or whatever you fancy.
Set its pick-up script to 'PickupSwitchShot'
Set its action script to 'SwitchHookItem'
Configure the item arguments as follows:
D0: Message, if you wish to use something other than the default defined by MSG_SWITCHSHOT_PICKUP.
D1: The Combo Inherent Flag for the Switchshot combos. Defaults to CF_SWITCHSHOT if set to '0'.
D2: The sound to play when switching. Defaults to SFX_SWITCHSHOT if set to '0'.
D3: The NPCDT used to define switchshot specific enemies, or enemies affected by the switchshot's moving power. Default value: 12.
Note: This is only used if SWITCHHOOK_ENEMIES_REQUIRE_SPECIAL_DEFS is enabled.
Enemy Configuration
Set the npc defence 'Hookshot' to 'Ignore if < 1', or whatever value you configured as the required defence, if you changed the default.
/// SwitchHook v0.3.9.1 ///
/// By: ZoriaRPG ///
/// 05-July-2016 ///
/// PureZC DB Edition ///
// Testing & Contributions://
// Evan //
// TeamUDF //
//TheBlueTophat (coolgamer)//
// ywkls //
// stdCombos Functions: //
// Alucard648 //
// ------------------------//
// ffcscript.zh: //
// Saffith //
//Import the basic header if needed.
//import "std.zh"
//and import the required header support files, if needed.
//import "ffcscript.zh"
//Constants and Settings
//Pickup Message
//! Boolean Toggle Settings: These control how the item works.
//! Enable them by setting them to '1' or above, and disable them by setting them tro '0'.
//Settings for Combos on Layers
const int SWITCHHOOK_USE_LAYER_0 = 0; //Enable to allow combos on Layer 0.
const int SWITCHHOOK_USE_LAYER_1 = 0; //Enable to allow combos on Layer 1.
const int SWITCHHOOK_USE_LAYER_2 = 1; //Enable to allow combos on Layer 2.
//These next three settings are INCOMPLETE. DO NOT use, or use AT YOUR OWN RISK.
const int ALWAYS_USE_SPECIFIC_COMBO_LAYER_0 = 0; //Enable this to use a specific combo to replace where a switchhook target WAS on Layer 0.
const int ALWAYS_USE_SPECIFIC_COMBO_LAYER_1 = 0; //Enable this to use a specific combo to replace where a switchhook target WAS on Layer 0.
const int ALWAYS_USE_SPECIFIC_COMBO_LAYER_2 = 0; //Enable this to use a specific combo to replace where a switchhook target WAS on Layer 0.
//Enemy Handling Settings
const int SWITCHHOOK_ENEMIES_REQUIRE_SPECIAL_DEFS = 1; //Set this to '1' to ensure that only enemies with a specific defence
//setting for NPCD_HOOKSHOT will be affected by the switchshot...
//Setting this to '0' will cause all enemies to be affected by the
//switchshot's ability to move objects!
const int SWITCHHOOK_JANKED_ENEMIES = 0; //If enabled, the switchhook will not die when it hits an enemy.
const int SUPPORT_GHOSTED_ENEMIES = 1; //if enabled, the ffc for a ghosted enemy will move with the enemy.
const int __GHI_GHZH_DATA_INDEX = 15; //THe standard index use dby __GHI_GHZH_DATA is 15. Set this to the same value that you use in ghost.zh
//!We need a constant here, in the event that the user does not use ghost.zh, as just calling its constant would cause a compilation error, in that event.
//Variable Settings: These change operational factors for the item. Set their value directly.
const int CF_SWITCHHOOK = 98; //The *inherent* combo flag default for SwitchHook Targets. Default is ( 98 ) ( Script 1 ).
const int SFX_SWITCHHOOK = 76; //The default, or fallback sound effect to play, set in Quest->Audio->SFX Data
const int CMB_SWITCHHOOK_UNDERCOMBO_D_LAYER_0 = 0; //Set to a combo to appear where switchhook targets WERE, when moved on LAYER 0.
const int CMB_SWITCHHOOK_UNDERCOMBO_S_LAYER_0 = 0; //Set to the solidity for that combo.
const int CMB_SWITCHHOOK_UNDERCOMBO_C_LAYER_0 = 0; //Set to the CSet ID for that combo. The default for ALL of these, is '0'.
//This only works, if the option ALWAYS_USE_SPECIFIC_COMBO_* is enabled.
const int CMB_SWITCHHOOK_UNDERCOMBO_D_LAYER_1 = 0; //Set to a combo to appear where switchhook targets WERE, when moved on LAYER 1.
const int CMB_SWITCHHOOK_UNDERCOMBO_S_LAYER_1 = 0; //Set to the solidity for that combo.
const int CMB_SWITCHHOOK_UNDERCOMBO_C_LAYER_1 = 0; //Set to the CSet ID for that combo. The default for ALL of these, is '0'.
//This only works, if the option ALWAYS_USE_SPECIFIC_COMBO_* is enabled.
const int CMB_SWITCHHOOK_UNDERCOMBO_D_LAYER_2 = 0; //Set to a combo to appear where switchhook targets WERE, when moved on LAYER 2.
const int CMB_SWITCHHOOK_UNDERCOMBO_S_LAYER_2 = 0; //Set to the solidity for that combo.
const int CMB_SWITCHHOOK_UNDERCOMBO_C_LAYER_2 = 0; //Set to the CSet ID for that combo. The default for ALL of these, is '0'.
//This only works, if the option ALWAYS_USE_SPECIFIC_COMBO_* is enabled.
const int FFC_SWITCHSHOT_QUIT_COUNTER = 360; //The number of frames a switchshot ffc will continue
//to run, if there are no hookshot weapons on the screen.
//This is a safegaurd, to keep the FFC Slot *free* when not in use.
const int NPCDT_SWITCHHOOK = 13; //If no value is assigned to the item arg D3, we use this value to set the special defence flag
//needed for the enemy to be affected by the switchshot. Default: 13 (NPCDT_IGNORE) (Ignore)
//This allows us to tailor enemies so that they are affected as normal by a hookshot, or are swapped
//with Link, or to create switchshot-specific enemies.
// This FFC Script powers the action of the item, and is run from the item script via the ffcscript.zh FFC launcher.
// Do not apply it in use directly on an screen FFC (i.e. do not assign it as the script on an ffc) as this may cause unexpected,
// and undesirable behaviour.
// It runs automatically from the item.
ffc script SwitchHook{
void run(int comboF, int affectEnemies, int sfx, int npcdt){
//Initial script variables.
int quitCounter; //A countwer to use to end the script prematurely.
int layer; //We'll need this to do collision on layers other than 0.
//if ( comboF == 0 ) comboF = CF_SWITCHHOOK; //We no longer need this, but we'll retain it (commented out) for the present.
//Switchchot combo at the start of the script.
int cmbX; //X position.
int cmbY; //Y position.
int cmbD; //Combo Data
int cmbS; //Combo Solidity
//Combo where Link is standing at the start of the script.
int cmbLX; //X position.
int cmbLY; //Y position
int cmbLD; //Data
int cmbLS; //Solidity
int cmbL; //Screen index (of 176)
//Layer 1 Combos
//int cmb1;
int cmb1X; //X position
int cmb1Y;
int cmb1D;
int cmb1S;
int cmb1LX; //X position under Link.
int cmb1LY; //Y position
int cmb1LD; //Data
int cmb1LS; //Solidity
int cmb1L; //Screen index (of 176)
int cmb1C; //CSet
int cmb1LC; //Link combo CSet.
//Layer 2 Combos
int cmb2X;
int cmb2Y;
int cmb2D;
int cmb2S;
int cmb2LX; //X position.
int cmb2LY; //Y position
int cmb2LD; //Data
int cmb2LS; //Solidity
int cmb2L; //Screen index (of 176)
int cmb2C; //CSet
int cmb2LC; //Link combo CSet.
//Link positions.
int lx;
int ly;
//Ghjost FFC locations
int ghost_ffc_x;
int ghost_ffc_y;
int ffc_id;
bool switching; //Enabled if there is a matching combo.
while( true ) {
if ( Screen->NumLWeapons() ) { //If there are no weapons on the screen, ignore the pass.
//if ( NumLWeaponsOf(LW_HOOKSHOT) ) TraceS(str);
for ( int q = 1; q NumLWeapons(); q++ ) { //Pass through the lweapons on the screen...
lweapon l = Screen->LoadLWeapon(q); //...loading each one and...
if ( l->ID == LW_HOOKSHOT ){ //if a hookshot lweapon is present...
//Check for switchshot combos...
//Parse layer 0:
for ( int q = 0; q ComboI[q]; //loading them along the way...
if ( ( comboF && cmb == comboF ) || ( !comboF && cmb == CF_SWITCHHOOK ) ) {
//If D0 is assigned a value above 0, check to see if it matches
//that combo inherent flag, otherwise check if it matches the one
//assigned to the constant CF_SWITCHSHOT.
//If it does....
if ( ComboCollision(q,l) ) { //and there is collision between that combo and the hookshot...
//!We need to check every layer...too..for combos on layers higher than 0. (?)
l->DeadState = WDS_DEAD; //Kill the hookshot.
if ( sfx ) Game->PlaySound(sfx); //Play the sound defined in the item script,
if ( !sfx && SFX_SWITCHHOOK ) Game->PlaySound(SFX_SWITCHHOOK); //or the constant if the item editor arg isn't set.
//Store Link's starting position.
lx = CenterLinkX();
ly = CenterLinkY();
//Store the switchshot combo to move.
cmbX = ComboX(q); //The combo number for the for loop pass...
cmbY = ComboY(q); //... X and Y
cmbD = Screen->ComboD[q]; //The original data of the switchhook combo.
cmbS = Screen->ComboS[q]; //The original solidity of the switchshot combo.
//Store the combo datum for the combo that Link is on.
cmbLD = Screen->ComboD[ComboAt(Link->X, Link->Y)]; //The combo under Link.
cmbLS = Screen->ComboS[ComboAt(Link->X, Link->Y)]; //The solidity of the combo under Link.
cmbLX = GridX(lx); //The X position
cmbLY = GridY(ly); //The Y position
cmbL = ComboAt(cmbLX,cmbLY); //The screen index for that combo (Nth of 176).
//Change the combo where Link WAS, to the switchshot combo.
Screen->ComboD[cmbL] = cmbD; //Set its data
Screen->ComboS[cmbL] = cmbS; //and solidity.
//Move Link to where the old switchshot combo that we moved, WAS.
Link->X = cmbX;
Link->Y = cmbY;
//Change the combo where Link appears, to what he was on BEFORE moving
if ( ALWAYS_USE_SPECIFIC_COMBO_LAYER_0 ) { //If we are using a predefined combo...
//as set in user prefs.
Screen->ComboD[q] = CMB_SWITCHHOOK_UNDERCOMBO_D_LAYER_0; //Set its data
Screen->ComboS[q] = CMB_SWITCHHOOK_UNDERCOMBO_S_LAYER_0; //and solidity.
else { //Use the actual combo, from the screen (default behaviour).
Screen->ComboD[q] = cmbLD; //Set its data
Screen->ComboS[q] = cmbLS; //and solidity.
this->Script = 0; //Free the FFC for later use.
this->Data = 0;
//Parse Layer 1
for ( int q = 0; q DeadState = WDS_DEAD; //Kill the hookshot.
if ( sfx ) Game->PlaySound(sfx); //Play the sound defined in the item script,
if ( !sfx && SFX_SWITCHHOOK ) Game->PlaySound(SFX_SWITCHHOOK); //or the constant if the item editor arg isn't set.
//Store Link's starting position.
lx = CenterLinkX();
ly = CenterLinkY();
//Store the switchshot combo to move.
cmb1X = ComboX(q); //The combo number for the for loop pass...
cmb1Y = ComboY(q); //... X and Y
cmb1D = GetLayerComboD(1,q); //The original data of the switchhook combo.
cmb1S = GetLayerComboS(1,q); //The original solidity of the switchshot combo.
cmb1C = GetLayerComboC(1,q); //The original CSet.
//Store the combo datum for the combo that Link is on.
cmb1LD = GetLayerComboD(1,ComboAt(Link->X, Link->Y)); //The combo under Link.
cmb1LS = GetLayerComboS(1,ComboAt(Link->X, Link->Y)); //The solidity of the combo under Link.
cmb1LX = GridX(lx); //The X position
cmb1LY = GridY(ly); //The Y position
cmb1L = ComboAt(cmb1LX,cmb1LY); //The screen index for that combo (Nth of 176).
cmb1LC = GetLayerComboC(1,ComboAt(Link->X, Link->Y));
//Change the combo where Link WAS, to the switchshot combo.
SetLayerComboD(1,cmb1L,cmb1D); //Set its data
SetLayerComboS(1,cmb1L,cmb1S); //and solidity.
SetLayerComboC(1,cmb1L,cmb1C); //and CSet.
//Move Link to where the old switchshot combo that we moved, WAS.
Link->X = cmb1X;
Link->Y = cmb1Y;
//Change the combo where Link appears, to what he was on BEFORE moving
if ( ALWAYS_USE_SPECIFIC_COMBO_LAYER_1 ) { //If we are using a predefined combo...
//as set in user prefs.
SetLayerComboD(1,q,CMB_SWITCHHOOK_UNDERCOMBO_D_LAYER_1); //Set the combo data
SetLayerComboS(1,q,CMB_SWITCHHOOK_UNDERCOMBO_S_LAYER_1); //and the solidity.
else { //Use the actual combo from the screen (default behaviour)
SetLayerComboD(1,q,cmb1LD); //Set the combo data
SetLayerComboS(1,q,cmb1LS); //and the solidity.
SetLayerComboC(1,q,cmb1LC); //and CSet.
this->Script = 0; //Free the FFC for later use.
this->Data = 0;
//Parse Layer 2
for ( int q = 0; q DeadState = WDS_DEAD; //Kill the hookshot.
if ( sfx ) Game->PlaySound(sfx); //Play the sound defined in the item script,
if ( !sfx && SFX_SWITCHHOOK ) Game->PlaySound(SFX_SWITCHHOOK); //or the constant if the item editor arg isn't set.
//Store Link's starting position.
lx = CenterLinkX();
ly = CenterLinkY();
//Store the switchshot combo to move.
cmb2X = ComboX(q); //The combo number for the for loop pass...
cmb2Y = ComboY(q); //... X and Y
cmb2D = GetLayerComboD(2,q); //The original data of the switchhook combo.
cmb2S = GetLayerComboS(2,q); //The original solidity of the switchshot combo.
cmb2C = GetLayerComboC(2,q); //The original CSet.
//Store the combo datum for the combo that Link is on.
cmb2LD = GetLayerComboD(2,ComboAt(Link->X, Link->Y)); //The combo under Link.
cmb2LS = GetLayerComboS(2,ComboAt(Link->X, Link->Y)); //The solidity of the combo under Link.
cmb2LX = GridX(lx); //The X position
cmb2LY = GridY(ly); //The Y position
cmb2L = ComboAt(cmb2LX,cmb2LY); //The screen index for that combo (Nth of 276).
cmb2LC = GetLayerComboC(2,ComboAt(Link->X, Link->Y));
//Change the combo where Link WAS, to the switchshot combo.
SetLayerComboD(2,cmb2L,cmb2D); //Set its data
//SetLayerComboS(2,cmb2L,cmb2S); //and solidity.
//!Setting solidity on layer 2 crashes ZC....BUT
//!the solidity seems to be preserved anyway.
SetLayerComboC(2,cmb2L,cmb2C); //and CSet.
//Move Link to where the old switchshot combo that we moved, WAS.
Link->X = cmb2X;
Link->Y = cmb2Y;
//Change the combo where Link appears, to what he was on BEFORE moving
if ( ALWAYS_USE_SPECIFIC_COMBO_LAYER_2 ) { //If we are using a predefined combo...
//as set in user prefs.
SetLayerComboD(2,q,CMB_SWITCHHOOK_UNDERCOMBO_D_LAYER_2); //Set the combo data
//SetLayerComboS(1,q,CMB_SWITCHHOOK_UNDERCOMBO_S_LAYER_2); //and the solidity.
else { //use the actual combo (default behaviour)
SetLayerComboD(2,q,cmb2LD); //Set the combo data
//SetLayerComboS(2,q,cmb2LS); //and the solidity.
SetLayerComboC(2,q,cmb2LC); //and CSet.
this->Script = 0; //Free the FFC for later use.
this->Data = 0;
//If we also switch enemies, check for those now.
if ( affectEnemies && Screen->NumNPCs() ) { //If the item is allowed to switch enemies, and there are enemies on the screen...
for ( int q = 1; q NumNPCs(); q++ ) { //Parse through the enemies on the screen...
npc n = Screen->LoadNPC(q); //and load each...
if ( l->ID == LW_HOOKSHOT && Collision(l,n) ) { //...then check for collision.
if ( //If the user option to use enemy defs to set enemies affected...
|| //..either with a constant to define the NPCDT, or an item arg...
|| //or all enemies are affected...
) {
//If enemies require a special NPC Defs flag, and either we're assigning one to the item via arg D3
//or if we are using the constant NPCDT_SWITCHHOOK...
//...or if enemies DO NOT require a special defs flag to be affected...
if ( !SWITCHHOOK_JANKED_ENEMIES ) l->DeadState = WDS_DEAD; //Kill the hookshot weapon so that the chain doesn't become a living thing...
if ( sfx ) Game->PlaySound(sfx); //Play the sound defined in the item script,
if ( !sfx && SFX_SWITCHHOOK ) Game->PlaySound(SFX_SWITCHHOOK); //or the constant if the item editor arg isn't set.
// Move the enemy, and Link...
int npcX = n->X; //Store the enemy X/Y position...
int npcY = n->Y;
if ( SUPPORT_GHOSTED_ENEMIES ) { //If we also move the ghost ffc
//Check for a ghost ffc where the enemy is located via collision:
for ( int q = 1; q LoadFFC(q);
//if we are reasonably sure that the enemy has a ghost ffc attached to it...
if ( Collision(n,f) && f->Script && n->Misc[__GHI_GHZH_DATA_INDEX] ) {
ffc_id = q; //Store the ID of the ffc for this enemy.
int lx = Link->X; //...and Link's X/Y position.
int ly = Link->Y;
n->X = -1; //Move the enemy offscreen for a moment...
n->Y = -1; //...to prevent collision with Link.
//if ghost support is enabled...
ffc f = Screen->LoadFFC(ffc_id); //Reload the ffc
f->X = -1; //Move the ffc offscreen to prevent collision with Link
f->Y = -1;
Link->X = npcX; //Then move Link to where the enemy WAS...
Link->Y = npcY;
n->X = lx; //and the enemy to where Link WAS.
n->Y = ly;
//if ghost support is enabled
ffc f = Screen->LoadFFC(ffc_id); //Find the ffc again
f->X = lx;
f->Y = ly;
this->Script = 0; //Free the FFC by releasing the script...
this->Data = 0; //and combo assignment, then...
Quit(); //terminate the FFC.
if ( !NumLWeaponsOf(LW_HOOKSHOT) ) quitCounter++; //If there hasn;t been a hookshot on the screen this frame, bump the counter.
if ( quitCounter >= FFC_SWITCHSHOT_QUIT_COUNTER ) break; //and if it reaches 600, break the loop to exit the script, and free the ffc slot.
this->Script = 0; //If we reach this point, for any reason, free the FFC, and exit.
this->Data = 0;
// Apply the item script to any hookshot item. Setting its power to '0' is best, to ensure it works with the enemy toggle options.
// D0: The FFC SLot ID
// D1: The Combo Inherent Flag for the Switchshot combos. Defaults to CF_SWITCHSHOT if set to '0'.
// D2: The sound to play when switching. Defaults to SFX_SWITCHSHOT if set to '0'.
// D3: The NPCDT used to define switchshot specific enemies, or enemies affected by the switchshot's moving power.
// Default value: 12.
// Note: This is only used if SWITCHHOOK_ENEMIES_REQUIRE_SPECIAL_DEFS is enabled.
item script SwitchHookItem{
void run(int msg, int comboF, int affectEnemies, int sfx, int npcdt) {
int args[4]={comboF,affectEnemies,sfx,npcdt};
int s[]="SwitchHook";
RunFFCScript(Game->GetFFCScript(s), args);
item script PickupSwitchShot{
void run(int msg){
if ( msg ) Screen->Message(msg);
/// Functions ///
/// The following are provided for the purposes of testing this script. ///
/// If you import stdCombos.zh, and are unable to use this script ///
/// due to the version of stdCombos.zh that you are using, then ///
/// use the ComboCOllision functions provided here. ///
/// ///
/// Likewise, ffcscript.zh is embedded here. Remove that if you are ///
/// already using ffcscript.zh, or are importing it above. ///
/// ///
/// The std.zh functions below, are needed if you are not using the ///
/// 2.50.2 Update version of std.zh. ///
//! stdCombos.zh functions
// Returns INT if FFC collides with a combo which has specific placed flag
int ComboFlagCollision (int flag, lweapon l){
for (int i = 0; iComboF[i]==flag){
if (ComboCollision(i, l)) return i;
return -1;
// Returns TRUE if there is a collision between the combo and an arbitrary rectangle.
bool ComboCollision (int loc, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2){
return RectCollision( ComboX(loc), ComboY(loc), (ComboX(loc)+16), (ComboY(loc)+16), x1, y1, x2, y2);
// Returns TRUE if there is a collision between Lweapon and the combo on screen.
bool ComboCollision (int loc, lweapon f){
if (!(f->CollDetection)) return false;
int ax = (f->X)+f->HitXOffset;
int ay = (f->Y)+f->HitYOffset;
int bx = ax+f->HitWidth;
int by = ay+f->HitHeight;
int cx = ComboX(loc);
int cy = ComboY(loc);
int dx = ComboX(loc)+16;
int dy = ComboY(loc)+16;
return RectCollision( cx, cy, dx, dy, ax, ay, bx, by);
//! std.zh 2.50.2 Update Functions
//A shorthand way to get a combo inherent flag on the current layer.
//Layer 0 is the screen itself.
int __GetLayerComboI(int layer, int pos) {
if (layer==0)
return Screen->ComboI[pos];
return Game->GetComboInherentFlag(Screen->LayerMap(layer), Screen->LayerScreen(layer), pos);
//A shorthand way to set a combo inherent flag on the current layer.
//Layer 0 is the screen itself.
void __SetLayerComboI(int layer, int pos, int flag) {
if (layer == 0)
Screen->ComboI[pos] = flag;
Game->SetComboInherentFlag(Screen->LayerMap(layer), Screen->LayerScreen(layer), pos, flag);
//A shorthand way to get a combo CSet on the current layer.
//Layer 0 is the screen itself.
int __GetLayerComboC(int layer, int pos) {
if (layer==0)
return Screen->ComboC[pos];
return Game->GetComboCSet(Screen->LayerMap(layer), Screen->LayerScreen(layer), pos);
//A shorthand way to set a combo CSet on the current layer.
//Layer 0 is the screen itself.
void __SetLayerComboC(int layer, int pos, int cset) {
if (layer == 0)
Screen->ComboC[pos] = cset;
Game->SetComboCSet(Screen->LayerMap(layer), Screen->LayerScreen(layer), pos, cset);
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