Twitch Tv Invasion Lunatic

SubmittedAugust 29, 2012

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Twitch TV Lunatic is a hard type mode to my first quest Twitch TV Invasion. I however did revise the dungeons quite a bit to make the world feel different. The Overworld had a slight overhaul. There is now a new bonus dungeon for those that yearn for an extra
challenge. To assist you in your quest I have provided
a map of the overworld with the zip package.

There are 2 new caves and one new pathway to explore.
The overworld itsef has now been divided into a few areas.
The main area is simply called the Known Lands it is accompanied by the Land of Despair, Land of Souls, Land of Mystery and Forbidden


The Land of Twitch was once a peaceful land until Ganon invaded. Ganon wanted to get at the source of his problems once and for all and realized it wasn't Link that kept defeating him, but the gamers.
Ganon stormed across the land of Twitch sealing them in Crystals.

Zelda soon caught wind of Ganon's deeds and rushed off for Twitch. Unfortunately Zelda's power alone was not able to defeat Ganon. With
the capture of Zelda, Link found himself in the strange land of Twitch. Unfortunately Link's previous equipment was lost in transit.

Meanwhile behind the shadows Ganon's power was growing stronger and stronger. Ganon had a meeting to attend to with someone that was stating they had a common goal. The mysterious man said they had come to the same conclusion that the gamers were a threat
to the super villains survivor. Can Link Save Zelda from Ganon's evil clutches?


Armageddon Games for Zelda Classic.

PureZC for lots of helpful information.

VGMusic for midis.

Viktorhark: His Tirua quest inspired me to make this quest and also for testing things for me.

Crimson: For beta testing a very buggy build and finishing it also for giving me some ideas.

Maduo: For beta testing and giving me some ideas.

Voltgloss: For pointing out continue bugs.

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